New job for Karen

One of the most important steps to find employment is to tailor your cover letter and resume towards the position you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are transferable to the type of work you are seeking and avoid overloading your resume with every single position you’ve worked in. At the Busy Beat Pre-Employment Hub in Southport, our team is experienced in job search techniques and will often speak to people who are struggling to find employment. This can sometimes be because they are using the same resume for all positions they apply for.

Recently a job seeker by the name of Karen visited Busy Beat to get assistance with her job search, as she was working casually and looking for permanent employment in food production. However despite her many applications she was continually rejected.

Karen discussed her frustrations with a Community Services Officer at Busy Beat. It was identified that Karen’s resume was targeted to Children’s Services, an industry she had previously worked in but no longer enjoyed. Karen received assistance to update her resume to reflect her interest in food production. Armed with a new CV, Karen was encouraged to call employers about work opportunities. Busy Beat’s Community Services Officer worked with Karen approaching a number of Aged Care Facilities. Shortly after this exercise Karen was delighted to receive and interview and land a job as a cook at an Aged Care centre.

Community Services Officer Selena Baillie talks to job seekers every day and is familiar with the road blocks they encounter “I explain to job seekers that employers receive hundreds of applications for a single position, therefore it’s important that their resume is up-to-date and relevant, otherwise it won’t get a look in” she says.

If you or someone you know would like help finding employment, contact the Busy Beat Pre-Employment Hub in Southport.

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