The right job starts with the right connections
A network of support
CoAct Connect + BUSY At Work are part of a national network that builds employment opportunities in over 1,000 communities. We use our network’s knowledge and connections to offer you the best possible support.
Our relationships with local providers enable us to offer you jobs, work experience and training opportunities. We’re well connected with recruitment and labour hire companies, registered training organisations, employers and local industry. These connections open up job opportunities for you in your local area, and across the country.
CoAct Connect + BUSY At Work is a Workforce Australia provider that’s been helping people across Australia find jobs for over 25 years.
You’re unique, so we make sure our service is too.

We listen first, to understand you.
Your beliefs and culture matter to us, and we’ll do whatever we can to make you feel comfortable and supported. We’ll explain things in a way you understand and give you the information you need to make the best choices for your future.
We all have different ways we like to keep in touch. Our servicing is flexible, to support you in the way that works for you.
Our support includes:
1. Getting to know you and putting together a plan
Everyone has talent and we want to help you discover yours.
We work together to unpack your skills, strengths, challenges and training needs.
Then comes a plan that focuses on getting you into a job. Together, we set future goals to work towards and develop tactics to get you there.
There may be other areas of life you need support with. We can co-ordinate specialist services for youth, housing, counselling and mental health, community health, disability services, drug and alcohol services, migrant resource centres and legal advice.
2. Getting the right tools for the job
We offer workshops and individual support for personal development, like building self-esteem and emotional intelligence, succeeding at interviews and managing conflict.
You’ll also have access to an online employment hub, Campus. Here you’ll find resources like a resume and cover letter builder and insights into local jobs and industries.
The right clothes, qualifications and equipment go a long way. We’ll invest in you, including clothes for interviews, tickets, tools and support with short courses.
3. Securing the right job
Experience and confidence are important. We can set you up with work experience or an internship so you feel ready for a paid role.
We’ll also give you coaching on how to talk to employers. This will help you figure out what you like and what’s important to you at work.
Our team knows the employers and available jobs in your area. We recommend roles we think are a good fit, at the right time.
4. Putting your best foot forward
Getting into work can be hard and staying employed can be even harder.
We’re right there with you for up to 32 weeks of your employment or study to make sure you understand what it takes to succeed.