Which study courses are the most likely to turn into a career?

Many students spend time wondering if their chosen line of study will actually help them land a career. This is especially pertinent for apprentices and trainees, who commit significant time and effort towards earning a trades qualification.

Completing your initial education and then trying to find a job in a competitive industry can be difficult, with some areas much easier to move into compared to others.

The good news for apprentices and trainees is that higher education levels correspond strongly with employment in related fields, according to the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER).

The NCVER found that apprentices and trainees who achieve a level III or IV qualification have much better chances of getting work in their fields, compared to level I and II certificates.

Qualification-wise, those who undertook studies in transmission, distribution and rail had the most success at securing work within their chosen fields. Among those who graduate with a qualification in this area, 98.9 per cent were able to secure relevant work.

Other sectors offering strong employment opportunities for those with a diploma or higher qualification included aeroskills (95.5 per cent), maritime (70.6 per cent) and healthcare (69.2 per cent).

Aeroskills also saw the highest correlation between what people intended to study when they started out, compared to where they found work. Of those entering this sector, 90 per cent were working in the field they intended when beginning their studies.

For those looking for employment in other sectors, there is still good news. Among those the NCVER surveyed, less than 25 per cent had been forced to take employment at a level below what they were qualified for.

A further 80 per cent of respondents reported that their qualifications were still useful for their current work, even if not directly related to the industry they initially trained for.

While it is important to consider which opportunities will give you the best chance of attaining a career, it is also valuable to find a course of study which suits your interests. With apprenticeships and traineeships seeing high drop-out rates, finding an industry you are passionate about is a vital consideration for anyone considering their future.

If you need more help choosing a career, make sure you take the Harrison Online Career Assessment. This resource can assist you in finding the right career, with resources designed to offer you the clearest insight into the different opportunities open to you.

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