Where can I find information on courses for my career?

When you first start looking for a position as an apprentice or trainee, one of the most important issues is finding a course that is right for you and will help you find the career you want.

Wanting to employ an apprentice or trainee?

BUSY’s Specialised Recruitment Team will:

  • Discuss your vacancy
  • Assess available financial incentives
  • Place your vacancy free of charge on apprenticeshipcentral.com.au
  • Manage applicant pre-screening and testing
  • Provide a shortlist for interview

This is a FREE Recruitment Service and we will find the right person for your business.

To get started, all you will need to do is select the industry and sub-industry categories that match the position you are looking to work in. From there, you can also select an industry-relevant course that suits you. Once you’ve entered this information, you will be presented with a page of information on your chosen course.

Why is it important to learn about a course ahead of time?

For a job seeker, learning about a job ahead of time is a great way to figure out if this opportunity is right for you. Investing this time can ensure that you understand what you are getting into when you start working in a role or begin your qualification. Once you understand exactly what is involved in a qualification, you will be much better positioned to meet these requirements in the future.

Beyond having an insight into what a course of study involves, this experience can also give you long-term guidance on your career. Studying for an apprenticeship or traineeship is a great starting point for your career but you will also need to start thinking about what further opportunities are going to be available to you.

How can you get the most from Apprenticeship Central’s resources?

It’s important when you start looking for a study option that you look for those resources that actually match your interests. Start by thinking about the direction you want to take in the long-term and then carry out your own research specifically on these areas.

The worst situation will be if you find yourself pursuing an avenue that doesn’t meet your expectations, so make sure to put the effort in now to understand what you are getting into ahead of time.

By taking the time to understand what these qualifications involve, you can then take the next step and start searching for a role through the Apprenticeship Central portal. This resource can help you move forward in your career by finding an employer who is right for you.

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