What are the current hiring challenges for Australian businesses?

When business owners think of their assets, they’re quick to mention items such as their facilities, any vehicles they rely on and their IT infrastructure. However, many of them forget that their most valuable asset is actually their people. Without the hard work and energy of the employees and apprentices that turn up everyday, businesses aren’t able to achieve their goals.

Despite the need for hiring great talent, and the awareness that the right people make a big difference, finding capable employees continues to be a challenge for businesses across Australia.

If you’re struggling to find an apprentice who’s the right fit for your business, use the Apprenticeship Central tool provided by BUSY At Work. With our help, it’s easy to overcome many of the hiring challenges your businesses is facing.

It’s up to employers to attract apprentices

The traditional approach to hiring talent holds the view that it’s up to the prospective apprentice or trainee to present themselves as an attractive candidate to the business. In this arrangement, it’s the hiring company that has all the power, and can put pressure on people trying to secure a role.

Now, however this balance of power is shifting, and in many cases it’s up to employers to be aware of what it means to be attractive to future employees or apprentices. According to a LinkedIn survey which investigated global hiring trends, the majority of respondents (59 per cent) noted that they will be investing more in their employer brand in 2016.

Organisations struggle to find tech professionals

This shift in the balance of power is further evidenced by the struggle to fill certain positions in the market. In the case of technology skills, demand is far exceeding supply, forcing businesses to compete with one another for a shortage of talent.

Technology recruitment specialist Dice found that more than three-quarters (78 per cent) of employers are expecting to hire more technology talent in 2016 than they have in previous years. However, 49 per cent indicated that the time taken to fill vacancies is already on the rise. President of Dice Bob Melk said that employers can expect this pressure to remain.

“The environment for a talent crisis in tech has been growing over the past few years and as the level of interest in technology professionals rises, it doesn’t appear the challenging recruitment market will lighten any time soon,” he said.

For more information about what it takes to find an apprentice in these challenging markets and more, contact the team at BUSY At Work.

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