Three things you need to know about employing an Australian Apprentice

Have you considered taking on board an apprentice in your workplace? Australia is currently experiencing a number of skill shortages that need addressing to ensure a balanced workforce, well-equipped to serve the population.

Some of the trades listed on the National Skills Needs List include drainers, cooks, hairdressers, stonemasons, locksmiths, pastry cooks, signwriters, shearers and panelbeaters – demonstrating a shortage across various industries.

If you are going to take on an apprentice or trainee, here are three things that you need to know.

Apprenticeships aren’t just for high schoolers

There are many people on the search for apprenticeships in Queensland, it’s not just high school students!

Some skilled workers decide to take up an Australian Apprenticeship to learn a new trade and switch careers, while others may want to gain a qualification recognising their skills.

While apprentices tend to be young, there are also mature age apprenticeships for older workers who may want to pursue a new career.

If you decide to employ a mature apprentice, you may be able to take advantage of financial incentives for your company.

Incentives are on offer

Employers hiring an apprentice or trainee may be entitled to incentive payments under the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program.

One incentive employers could make use of is Support for Adult Australian Apprentices. This federal government financial support is available to adult workers (aged 25 and over) who wish to upgrade their skills through an Australian Apprenticeship at Certificate III or IV level in a job listed on the National Skills Needs List. This payment is made either to the employer or apprentice, depending on the apprentice’s wage. This incentive aims to subsidise the employer’s wage costs or top up the wage of the adult apprentice.

The Mature Aged Worker incentive is given to employers who take on an apprentice or trainee who is aged 45 years or older and has faced particular challenges.

Once eligibility is confirmed, the employer receives a financial incentive at the commencement and completion of the qualification.

Wages for Australian Apprentices vary

The amount of wages paid to Australian Apprentices vary depending on factors such as the type of apprenticeship, the industry or occupation and years of training held.

Apprentices and trainees are generally treated the same way as other employees in regards to workers’ compensation, superannuation and other entitlements.

If you want more information on workplace rights and conditions for your Australian Apprentices visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

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