There is no doubting times are tough for many of us right now with over a million Australians currently out of work due to Covid.
This ridiculously persistent and pesky bug has rocked the whole world right now, including business, but where some industries are laying off, there are just as many who are requiring staff – and right now.
So with no further ado, here’s our top five tips for helping you find work in a pandemic world.
Who’s hiring right now!
While industries like the arts, tourism and hospitality took a big hit during the pandemic, other industries are currently thriving. If you have transferrable skills, or looking to re-skill into these industries, a flexible approach can see you maximise your opportunities. Some of the hiring industries include Agriculture, Food Manufacturing, Medical Supplies and Manufacturing, Digital Technology (yes cyber-crime is up and so is online retailing), Construction (with many State governments investing in projects to stimulate the economy again), Mining (Australia has large and growing mining activities in lithium, for electric car batteries),Health and Social Assistance, and Asset Maintenance. Read more in our previous article on the future of industry and jobs.
You can also do some research yourself on what industries are hiring and locally to you.
2. Get ahead of the pack
With JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments set to reduce and change after September, and potentially reduce further or cease next year, the early birds really will get the jobs.
Potentially there will be a rush for jobs in the coming months so you want to get in early so you are competing against less people. Be smart, get a head of the pack and tap into all of your supports including your jobactive or other employment service providers. They are geared up and ready to assist!
2. Will you need some new skills?
Think about your transferable skills or how you may be able to re-skill into one of these employing industries. With many low or no cost course offerings at the moment, there is plenty of opportunity to re-invent yourself.
TAFE is offering free or low-cost short courses to support people to re-skill into other industries.
An apprenticeship or traineeship is a great way to learn while you earn. You can check out all available positions on the Apprenticeship Central website.
4. Communicate as much as you can
Tell everyone you know, you are looking for work. Most jobs come through word of mouth so utilise the grapevine to your advantage.
Friends and family and all your online contacts, community groups – let them all know. Someone will know someone and it may not come immediately but by showing you are keen to find work, most people really do want to help their fellow man or woman. Now is a great time to call on that help.
5. Be structured – schedule time each day for job hunting.
Job hunting is like a job in itself, it takes effort and consistency. Schedule at least 2-3 hours every day to search for work and apply for jobs. Before you know it, interviews will also take some time up.
Finally, be kind to yourself, eat your vegetables, don’t drink too much… but take some time to have fun as well!
Go forth and conquer!