The BUSY Schools to open an inclusive all-girls school in Southport!

Embracing and valuing diversity of the school community is one of the cornerstones of The BUSY Schools success in reengaging young people to complete high school. A new BUSY Schools campus in Southport, opening in April 2023, is set to extend this support to female students, including all students who identify as female.

The BUSY Schools are a network of independent Special Assistance Schools providing an alternative school option for Year 11 and 12’s who have disengaged from mainstream education. The BUSY Schools educational program combines academic studies, vocational training, and personal development to support the social, educational and employment outcomes of young people. All costs are covered at The BUSY Schools, there are no fees for students.

The Southport campus will be The BUSY School’s sixth campus in Queensland and will offer a unique support for female students. When assessing the community need at the northern end of the Gold Coast, The BUSY Schools identified the opportunity to better support disengaged female students, including any student who identifies as female such as non-binary and transitioning students who prefer to attend a ‘girls’ school. The BUSY Schools anticipate a higher than average volume of enrolments at this campus of transgender, transitioning and gender fluid young people who will be supported to reengage and complete their senior schooling.

The BUSY Schools campuses provide a supportive, inclusive learning environment that combine learning, training, practical experience and recreational activities with a focus on academic and employment outcomes. The new campus in Southport will open in term two (17 April), 2023 at 139 Nerang Street in an engaging and newly refurbished site.

The BUSY Schools work closely with local schools and the community for an inclusive and mutually beneficial approach to providing supportive, alternative education for students most in need. The BUSY Schools program is often a student’s last chance to complete high school. Disengagement is often a result of anxiety-based school avoidance and The BUSY Schools Southport campus aims to address this by providing smaller classroom sizes, access to health and learning supports, and education that aims to ensure students complete their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), while also commencing on their career paths.

CEO for The BUSY Schools, Lee Aitken, stated, “We recognised the need for an all-girl campus in the area which included the support of students who identify as female and who may have very specific and unique support needs due to the issues they are encountering.

“The BUSY Schools has already supported hundreds of young people who were previously disengaged from their education to graduate and find a meaningful career pathway or progress to further study. These are students who otherwise may have fallen through the cracks.

“The schools are really making a difference for young people in Queensland (and Northern NSW) and we are excited to be able to continue establishing these schools where more young people are given the opportunity to succeed with their education and ongoing career paths.” 

Amanda, mother of Billie, a former student of The BUSY Schools, said that when her daughter started disengaging from her education leading up to her final year of schooling and wanted to drop out before completing her QCE, she looked at other education options for her daughter.

Hearing great things about The BUSY Schools, they approached their local campus to see if Billie would fit the criteria for attending so she could complete her senior schooling. Once Billie started at The BUSY Schools, her mother was amazed at the turnaround in her daughter’s education, with Billie completing her QCE at the end of 2022.

Amanda said of the school, “The culture of the school is like a community of people wrapped around the students in support of their learning and success. Billie’s grades improved unbelievably. I am very impressed and would recommend it to anyone.”

Enrolments are open for The BUSY Schools Southport Girls + campus for year 11 students and the school will be opening in Term 2, 2023. Make an enquiry

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