Support ‘The Basketball Challenge’ in the month of June!

Do you fancy yourself a bit of a Michael Jordan on the court? Or are you more of an experienced Nerf hoop-shooter on the back of your bathroom or office door?

For the month of June, we challenge you to hit the courts or set up your own hoop (even if it is a mini hoop in your loungeroom) and let’s see how many baskets you can sink—all while raising money for a great cause. Finesse your hoop-shooting skills and support The BUSY Schools as we launch our month-long fundraiser. In addition, we will be holding a corporate event on the morning of 21st June at Carrara Stadium for business teams, and it’s guaranteed to get competitive!

About The BUSY Schools
The BUSY Schools offers a progressive alternative learning option for senior high school students in Years 11 and 12 who, for a variety of reasons (including bullying, mental health, disruptive home lives and more), have disengaged from school. The BUSY Schools currently has seven campuses throughout Queensland and we’ve already supported hundreds of young people (who may otherwise have fallen through the cracks) to complete their schooling and go onto career paths or further study. Our campuses offer no fees, and all costs are covered for students.

The BUSY Schools is a registered charity and all funds raised will help The BUSY Schools continue to establish new campuses where they are needed most.

We want to encourage more young people to stay in school and find the best start for their career paths. Find out more about The BUSY Schools.
There are many ways you can support The BUSY Schools Basketball Challenge:

  • It costs nothing to register yourself and then fundraise individually or create / join a team. Set your goal for how many baskets you can sink in June and how much money you would like to raise during the month, and away you go! Whether you set aside an hour a day or an hour a week to ‘shoot hoops’, you’re doing good! The bonus? You could win a prize just for registering, plus you’ll get fitter and fine-tune your hoop-shootin’ skills—all while supporting a great cause. Look at you go! What a champion! Find out more or Register Now
  • Spread the word to all your contacts: family, friends, colleagues, business networks and everyone you know. Ask them to sponsor your efforts (or register themselves or join your team) to ensure our fundraising month raises as much money as possible for The BUSY Schools.
  • If you’re a business in the Gold Coast or Brisbane regions, register a team for the corporate event  – 21st June, 9am-12pm at Carrara Stadium.
    We are requesting a contribution of $1,500 from each business to register their hoop and the battle begins on the reserved courts, with each team having their own half-court. Whoever can sink the most baskets within 4,400 seconds (that’s 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds) wins the glory! Why 4,400? That number represents the number of Queensland students in 2022 who needed support from special assistance schools so they could re-engage with their education.

If your business is looking for a worthwhile end-of-year cause that is tax-deductible, why not involve your staff and register a team today? Register for the Corporate Event

Register Today or Learn More

You can learn more about The Basketball Challenge and the corporate event at Carrara Stadium on our fundraising website:

There’s not long now until June!

Want to talk to someone about how you can support The BUSY Schools?

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Megan Connors, Corporate Partnerships Manager for The BUSY Group M: 0477 014 545 | E:

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