Workforce Options

Workforce Options

Workforce Options

The BUSY Group offer a range of programs that can support your business staffing and skills requirements. Our workforce options include:

Apprenticeships and traineeships

BUSY At Work is highly reputed and one of the longest-serving Australian Apprenticeship Support Services providers. We can support the skills development of your existing or new employees through traineeships and apprenticeships.

School-based trainees & apprentices

While still at school, young people can undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship which forms part of their high school curriculum. Typically, a school-based apprentice or trainee will work approximately one day per week in your business (or more during school holiday periods). It’s a great way for your business to develop skills for your future business requirements, and support a young person to make a start in their career.

Workforce Australia Employment Services

Through the Australian Government funded Workforce Australia Employment Services, BUSY At Work, in partnership with CoAct, can support new employees for your workplace. We have a large database of job seekers who are keen and ready to start work.

Workforce Australia Transition to Work

Supporting young people to enter the workforce, the Australian Government funded Workforce Australia Transition to Work program offers young people aged 15-24 job-ready training support to prepare them for work. If your business would like to support a young person to begin their career, we can help!

Disability Employment Services

Looking to add diversity to your workplace? Persons living with disability (both hidden and obvious) are 60% less likely to find employment, yet they are an untapped workforce with skills and attitude that most employers are seeking. BUSY Ability is contracted by the Australian Government to deliver Disability Employment Services and support persons living with disability to find meaningful employment. With specialist and ongoing support, our team focus on ability and ensure your new employee is contributing and thriving in the workplace.

Workforce Planning

Our Corporate and Employment Solutions team work with leading corporate organisations to develop strategic workforce plans and corporate community engagement strategies that are valuable for both the community and your business.

We work in partnership with medium and large organisations to create tailored programs that are seen as best practice for a sustainable and productive workforce. We know that no business is the same, and we understand that service offerings need to be tailored to meet the needs of different business and industries. 

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