Secrets of a strong CV

A strong CV is one of the best tools in your arsenal when it comes to securing key jobs or apprenticeships in Queensland, so it is important not to let it go to waste.

If you have not updated or reviewed your CV in a while it might be time to go through it with a fine tooth comb to see if there are any aspects which you could improve.

One of the most important rules to follow when making a CV is not to let it get too long – you only want to highlight your most notable achievements and provide a brief summary of your employment history.

Make sure that your contact details are clearly listed at the top of the page, and definitely take care to ensure that your phone number and contact email are both up to date.

Your CV should feature a professional layout and be completely free of any spelling or grammatical errors – these are a major tip off to prospective employers that your attention to detail might be lacking.

It is usually advised that you do not put a photo on your CV; however there are different schools of thought on this. For the most part, entry level positions will not expect you to include a photo.

Finally, it’s a good idea to tailor your resume towards the individual needs of the job you are applying for. Make sure to read over the job description carefully and try to highlight any skills that you have that might make you suitable for this role.

By doing this, you will set yourself on the path for employment success.

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