Ryan finds his groove in commercial cookery

When Head Chef Yoong Liow of Groove Train Chermside offered Ryan Beilby a commercial cookery apprenticeship in October 2013 he had no idea how much it would make a difference in Ryan’s life.

Despite having a mild disability Ryan was determined to give the apprenticeship his best shot.

Prior to joining Groove Train Ryan had been registered with Epic Employment Disability Employment Services and had been looking for work for about a month.

BUSY At Work Industry Training Consultant, Emma Dickson, said BUSY had worked with a case worker from Epic and a trainer from the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to make sure that Ryan had the right support in place.

“When Ryan started at the Groove Train he faced some workplace challenges. With the extra support from the RTO and his Disability Employment Services case worker, along with the additional mentoring from BUSY, Ryan has improved dramatically and is performing very well in his apprenticeship.”

“Ryan now has the confidence and direction to succeed in his chosen career. He is now able to run his own section and we have been very impressed with his progress,” Emma said.

Yoong Liow said Ryan was an enthusiastic and reliable member of the team.

“Ryan is very passionate about cooking and always puts in a great effort while at work. We were pleased to be able to give Ryan the extra assistance he required and we look forward to one day seeing Ryan achieve his goal to become a chef,” Yoong said.

Ryan said he was grateful for the mentoring support from BUSY At Work.

“The mentor from BUSY has really helped me focus on keeping my bookwork up to date and ensuring that I am on track to complete my apprenticeship on time,” Ryan said.

BUSY At Work CEO Paul Miles said that BUSY was pleased to support local employers who were willing to give people like Ryan a chance.

“Ryan is making a valuable contribution in the workplace. With the right training and mentoring, he is able to exceed even his own expectations and proves to be a great asset.”

“I’m looking forward to following Ryan’s career pathway and I am sure he will go a long way in his chosen career,” Mr Miles said.

For further information go to www.apprenticeshipcentral.com.au

MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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