ResourcesQ to boost job growth in the Surat Basin

Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Andrew Cripps explained that the ResourcesQ workshop was launched to help shape the 30-year vision for Queensland’s resources industry, boosting the sector as one of the state’s four pillars of the economy.

“The $37.9 billion sector contributes one in every four dollars to the state’s economic activity and supports one in every five jobs, so it’s vital we have a strong, competitive and agile industry,” he revealed in a May 28 statement.

Surat Basin has become a leading focus of the ResourcesQ initiative as South West Queensland is regarded the “birthplace of the Australian oil and gas industries”.

With more than 4,000 kilometres of pipelines connecting gas fields to processing plants in Queensland’s east, Gladstone and Mt Isa, support in the Surat Basin is expected to boost employment across a huge number of state communities.

The forum in Roma will ensure industry leaders and government bodies are on the same page regarding positive developments for the industry. In particular, Mr Cripps hopes the workshop will result in a greater understanding of regional issues and opportunities.

“This initiative will drive economic growth and will create jobs, so it is important we hear from our local resource companies, councils, businesses, training organisations and infrastructure providers,” he said.

Those considering apprenticeships or traineeships in the Surat Basin can access a wide range of employment opportunities through the oil and gas industry. Whether seeking direct jobs within the sector, or accessing the many potential in-direct employment options, individuals should see a significant boost in available jobs in the near future.

“Production of both coal and [coal seam gas] in the Surat Basin alone is expected to increase ten-fold by 2031 – doubling gross regional product and contributing $9.3 billion and an extra 12,500 jobs to the Surat Basin,” explained Mr Cripps.

Currently, the resources sector in the South West Queensland region injects approximately $2.3 billion into the state’s economy each year, and directly employs more than 1,360 full-time staff. A significant portion of the industry’s economic contributions also support in-direct jobs in Queensland, employing around 23,250 people along the supply chain and other relevant sectors.

By Leanne de Toerkenczy, Public Relations Coordinator

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