Remote Jobs and Communities Programs takes a step forward

Indigenous employment received a boost recently with a new jobs placement program for remote parts of Australia taking a step closer to getting off the ground.

Federal minister for Indigenous employment Julie Collins said development of the $1.5 billion Remote Jobs and Communities Program was moving forward, with the government now in the process of selecting service providers.

The program will work towards bolstering employment levels in remote areas with an integrated approach and engagement of local services.

Ms Collins called for expressions of interest from service providers to deliver the program from July next year.

“The new program will deliver better training and support to get local people into jobs and ensure people who are not working are participating in activities that contribute to developing strong and sustainable communities,” Ms Collins explained.

“A single service provider will now have a continuing presence in each of 50 identified remote regions around Australia.”

A number of organisations will be engaged in the program to deliver employment opportunities for regional Australia including Job Services Australia, Community Development Employment Projects and Disability Employment Services.

Federal minister for employment and workplace relations Bill Shorten said the initiative will be a major boon for residents and businesses in isolated areas, delivering fiscal benefits to both parties.

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