Remote jobs and communities program to benefit Far North Queenslanders

The Cape York communities of Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw are among the Queensland towns that will benefit from the Australian government’s $1.5 billion Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP).

This initiative will help Australians in these communities find jobs and get equipped with the skills they need to become ready for employment.

Minister for Indigenous employment and economic development Julie Collins said that under this program, job seekers, including those on CDEP wages, will be able to get the personalised support needed from one provider.

“And employers will find that their local RJCP provider is able to get to know their needs better, and to help link them up with job seekers who have the skills and drive they are looking for.”

Ms Collins said that RJCP providers will work closely with communities in their region to set out priorities and goals for participation, employment, training and long-term development.

The program is set to rollout on July 1 2013, operating in 59 remote regions around Australia, with Ms Collins stating that the RJCP is based on “community and involvement”.

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