Queensland: top spot for employment

Queensland looks set to boast the best employment prospects in the country as demand increases for thousands of extra workers in the Sunshine State, a recent report revealed.

More than 200,000 workers are needed to match the growing demand on Queensland’s workforce over the next five years, with Mackay and Brisbane expected to foster most of the work, News Limited reported today(August 14).

The research, released in a federal government report, showed that six regions across the state would appear on the country’s top 15 employment growth areas – BOLSTERING prospects for those looking for jobs in Queensland.

The abundance of employment opportunities in the state is largely attributed to the thriving resource sector, with mining expected to create an additional 100,000 jobs each year.

However, while the outlook remains positive for jobseekers, some experts are concerned about the lack of skilled workers to fill the positions.

According to the government report, demand in tertiary educated professions remained high, with almost one million jobs generated in the last ten years, compared with lower skilled positions, which accounted for just over 150,000 jobs.

The report read: “This trend is likely to continue with employment for higher skilled occupations projected to grow faster than all other skill levels, increasing by 322,500 in the next five years and accounting for 38.9 per cent of the total projected employment growth.”

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