Queensland’s coal industry unharmed by global downturn

With a diverse resources sector, Central Queensland has successfully stayed in front of the coal industries economic downturn, confirming its position as a hub for global minerals and energy exports.

The Queensland coal industry has responded to changes in the global market by increasing export volumes and reducing costs, ensuring Queensland stays ahead of the challenges of the current trading environment and remains the supplier of choice for Asia.

A rebound in coal exports is inevitable, according to Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche. There is a forecast increase in demand from China and India, where the “aspirations and development of these countries has been delayed – not abandoned,” he said.

With construction on the Curtis Island liquefied natural gas (LNG) project due to be complete in 2014, Queensland is continuing to strengthen the buffer against the negative effects of the coal downturn by increasing the area’s resources diversity.

With the end of LNG construction in sight, the Queensland government has broached the idea of future support for other major resource industry projects.

With the resource sector already in a strong global position, the predicted rebound is encouraging for those seeking apprenticeships in Queensland, as a growing industry will be looking to expand its workforce.

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