Queensland government launches Women in Resources Sector Strategy

Women interested in pursuing jobs or apprenticeships in Queensland tied to the resources sector are to receive a boost of support thanks to the new Women in Resources Sector Strategy.

This strategy was launched (July 9) by minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek in a bid to help increase female participation in the resources sector.

Mr Langbroek says that the resources sector is a key Queensland industry that has traditionally experienced difficulty engaging and retaining female workers.

The Newman government will contribute $100,000 annually over three years, supporting the new strategy, to help bring female workers to the industry and also to keep them there.

“The strategy funds the Queensland Resources Council to deliver the Women in Mining and Resources Queensland (WIMARQ) Women’s Mentoring Program that involves four months of face-to-face training each year to develop the skills of 20 mentors and 20 mentees,” Mr Langbroek said.

“We’re aiming to retain women already working in the resources industry by establishing support channels and further developing their skills and leadership qualities.”

The Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy’s Gateway Schools Program has also been extended to include 12 industry-based workshops.

“The workshops are accessible to female Gateway and non-Gateway school students, opening up opportunities for more students to participate,” Mr Langbroek said.

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