Queensland ‘fresh food hub’ may create 1,000 jobs

The development of a fresh food hub in southern Queensland could see 1,000 jobs created in the region over the next five years, the federal government claims.

In a new report entitled Aussie Jobs, Looking Back, Looking Forward, the government outlined how the state could benefit from proposals being put in motion by a local not-for-profit group.

Growing the Burnett Incorporated, a community organisation for regional food security, is looking to partner with new and existing producers to set up three distribution centres for fresh produce.

Founder Brian Jarvis said the plan is already progressing well and could help solve the region’s current high unemployment levels.

The scheme may benefit those hoping to secure traineeships in Queensland, with the initiative expected to create various employment opportunities for people of all ages, including mature age workers and school leavers.

“We are now in the process of getting the training underway for a new workforce in the region and we are going to use the local resources right from the beginning,” Mr Jarvis explained.

He added that a key objective of the initiative is to empower the community in efforts to establish sustainable solutions to agricultural and employment challenges currently facing the region.

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