QLD Budget Announcement Supporting Jobs and Skills Growth

With economic recovery still the main focus, the Treasurer, Cameron Dick, stated yesterday that as many jobs that were lost during the pandemic have now been recovered. The unemployment rate is forecast to drop from its 2020-21 rate of 7% to 5% by June 2025.

Below is a summary of what the budget means for skills and jobs growth for Queensland.

Investing in Skills Development 

  • Ten new state schools in high-growth areas to open across the southeast corner in 2023 and 2024, costing $913.7 million, along with $500 million in infrastructure projects at existing Queensland state schools.
  • Continuation of the Federal Government’s Job Trainer program with Queensland Government contributing $100 million to support young people under 25 with free training and apprenticeships in 165 priority qualification areas including health services, hospitality, engineering, aged and disability support and early childhood education.
  • Over four years a $320 million investment for the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative (and $80 million each year ongoing), supporting up to 15,000 disadvantaged Queenslanders each year with skills, qualifications and work experience to enter and stay in the workforce.
  • Skills training opportunities for 750 apprentices a year as part of the capital budget $23 million Renewable Energy Training Facility, with Queensland Government contributing a total of $17 million to the project. The project is estimated to support 26,000 local licensed electricians with further training.
  • $2 million allocated as part of the overall contribution of $20 million for the completion of the Hydrogen Training Centre of Excellence at Queensland Apprenticeship Centre at Beenleigh.
  • Continuing investment into TAFE infrastructure with $47.8 million of the total $100 million Equipping TAFE for our Future program to be delivered during 2021-22.

Investing in Jobs Growth

  • The government plans to spend $52.5 billion on infrastructure over the next four years with 61% of the capital works occurring in regional areas and supporting 29,800 jobs. This includes include Bruce Highway upgrades to improve safety and flood resistance, along with many other regional road projects, and a focus on water and sewerage infrastructure projects.
  • A $2 billion Investment in renewable energy projects including hydrogen and wind farms.
  • A $1.9 billion spend on development of quality social housing.
  • Partnering with private sectors to aid industry recovery. This includes: a partnership strategy with Boeing which plans to develop a Defence Aerospace Manufacturing plant in Queensland; a partnership strategy with leading food manufacturer Kerry to bring the headquarters to Brisbane, creating 55 jobs; and a $20.8 millionexpansion by Australian-owned horticultural and garden products business, Oreco Group at Childers, near Bundaberg which is expected to create 140 jobs; amongst others.
  • Supporting the recovery of Queensland’s Tourism sector through campaigns such as Good to Go, Work in Paradise, Holiday Dollars and the Great Barrier Reef Education Program. The BUSY Group is contracted as program managers for the Queensland Education Experiences which includes the Great Barrier Reef and Outback Queensland Education Programs.
  • The State government is also investing over $25 million in tourism infrastructure projects such as the Wangetti Trail.

Paul Miles, Managing Director for BUSY At Work stated: “The Queensland Government investment of more than a billion dollars for training and skills development will support thousands of job seekers, apprentices and trainees. There are great opportunities moving forward for those considering an apprenticeship or traineeship career pathway particularly in the construction, manufacturing and skills shortage areas that include industry trades, health care, child care and community services”.

For more information on BUSY At Work who deliver a range of employment and skills development programs including the Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Services and Skilling Queenslanders for Work program, visit www.busyatwork.com.au or call 13 28 79.

For more information regarding the Queensland Budget Announcement visit https://budget.qld.gov.au/highlights/

MEDIA CONTACT:                     

Michelle Ryan, BUSY At Work
0407 169 029 or email michelle.ryan@busyatwork.com.au

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