PaTH Internship brings apprenticeship success for Liam

Apprentice baker Liam Scope smiling at Coomera Rivers bakeru

Twelve months ago quietly spoken Liam Scope had an uncertain future.

As a registered job seeker with ETC Coomera, Liam was lacking in confidence and finding it hard to gain employment in the hospitality industry due to not having a car and licence.

After gaining his license, Liam’s life took a positive turn when he was offered a PaTH Internship with Coomera River Bakery for 12 weeks in April 2017.

The PaTH Internship Program is an Australian Government initiative. Instead of receiving a wage from an employer, the government provides interns with an additional $200 a fortnight on top of their income support payment.

Employers receive a $1,000 payment to help cover the costs of hosting the intern during the four to 12 week period.

Following the completion of his Internship in July 2017, Liam’s employer Neil MacNellie (Owner) offered Liam casual employment for 25 hours per week.

While delighted to be working the hours, Liam was keen to take on a bakery apprenticeship and work in a full time role.

In February in this year ETC Business Relationship Advisor, Debbie Zink contacted BUSY At Work Industry Training Consultant, Emma Nolan to advise her that Neil was interested in offering Liam an apprenticeship but wanted more information.

Emma said working together with ETC had proved very productive for both BUSY and Liam.

“We worked very closely with Debbie and our Gateway Services team holding monthly meetings with ETC job seekers in Coomera and Nerang to discuss what apprenticeships and traineeships were available through BUSY At Work.”

“We also spoke to job seekers from ETC, as well as employers about apprenticeships and traineeships. Through this association we were able to sign up Liam around the beginning of February with Coomera River Bakery,” Ms Nolan said.

Now studying for his Certificate III in Retail Baking (Combined), Liam is also working with RTO, Workplace Training Strategies who have tailored a training package to suit the needs of both the employer and Liam.

Liam said he was thankful to be working full time and having a constant income.

“The early morning shifts suit me and I am grateful that I am able to learn at my own pace.”

“There is a lot to learn and I’m looking forward to getting trade qualified skills that are recognised both nationally and internationally,” Liam said.

As part of his trade Liam is learning how to produce and process dough for bread, pastry and cake making. As his training progresses Liam will also learn how to prepare fillings, batter and cake decorations.

Coomera River Bakery Owner, Neil MacNellie said Liam was extremely reliable and had a great attitude towards learning.

“Liam is always polite, on time and never had a day off work. He is very task oriented and is learning the hand skills required to be a good baker.”

“He is also working on his customer service skills and starting to build confidence on the job,” Mr MacNellie said.

BUSY At Work Managing Director Paul Miles, said it was pleasing to see local employers like Coomera River Bakery going the extra mile to give unemployed youth a chance.

“Through the PaTH Internship Program employers have the opportunity to see how a young person fits into their business.”

“Through this program Liam has been able to gain real work skills necessary to make the transition into full time employment.”

“We congratulate Liam on his apprenticeship and know that with the right training and mentoring he will have a great future ahead of him,” Mr Miles said.

To participate in the PaTH Internship Program participants must be aged 17-24 and have received Employment Services for six months or more.
For further details about the program please contact BUSY At Work on 13 28 79.


MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator
0438 173 960

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