A passion for gadgets led Jasper to apprenticeship success

Jasper Greinke always had a passion for finding out how things work and picking apart electronic devices.

That’s why choosing to complete his final two years of high school at the Australian Industry Trade College was the best decision he ever made, Jasper said.

Three years ago, Jasper was the very first apprentice to sign up under BUSY At Work’s inaugural GC101 campaign, a six week initiative aimed at getting young Gold Coasters into apprenticeships and traineeships with local businesses.

Now 20 and coming into his fourth year as an electrical apprentice at the City of Gold Coast, Jasper is grateful for the route he chose.

“It’s fantastic working for the Gold Coast where I was born and raised. Not only is it a great job, but it sets me up for some options later on in life, and I’ve also gained so much life experiences working for the City,” he said. “I’ve met so many people that have really shaped who I am today.”

The only one out of his high school friends who chose to go to a trade college, Jasper says it was a hard decision to make to leave his friends behind, but credits his parents with helping him take the plunge.

Jasper’s parents are both educators on the Gold Coast. “It’s good having parents like that, because they’ve always been driving me to really work hard and achieve things while I’m young, to set myself up for the future. I think that’s part of why I was lucky enough to get this job.”

Jasper said he was excited to be part of the GC101 in 2016. “There’s nothing I want to see more than young kids looking to get into a trade, and also raising awareness for employers to take on more apprentices, and realising that apprentices are the future,” Jasper said. “I’m excited for when I complete my qualification, because I’ll be able to step up and take control of the work site and job. That will be the best part.”

The campaign has been so successful that it is now known as the GC150, now in its fourth year running on the Gold Coast.

BUSY At Work Managing Director Paul Miles said that success stories like Jasper are the reason why the campaign is so important for the Gold Coast.

“With BUSY At Work’s GC150 campaign, we really want to stress to young people that they can have a wonderful life here on the beautiful Gold Coast, with rewarding and meaningful employment for years to come. We also want our local businesses to really step up and help the next generation get their foot in the door, because they are our future.

“There are many benefits to taking on an apprenticeship or traineeship,” Paul said. “After study and on the job training, youth will walk away with a clear job pathway. But we need the support of our local business community to reach our goal of 150 apprenticeships and traineeships by 31 December. Anyone looking to put on an apprentice or trainee are encouraged to contact us today.”

Employers and job seekers can contact BUSY on 13 28 79 or go to https://www.busyatwork.com.au/gold-coast-150/


For interview opportunities, please contact Michelle Dowding on 0407 169 029.

BUSY At Work is one of the largest Queensland-based Australian Apprenticeship Network Providers. It is a not-for-profit organisation providing apprenticeship, employment and education support programs.

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