Online Media Permission Form

Online Media Permission Form

Online Media Permission Form

This authority is an agreement between you and The BUSY Group.

Please read carefully and sign at the bottom of the page if you agree to allow publication as set out below.

The BUSY Group would like to be able to use your photo and/or quote you in some of its printed and /or electronic promotional and marketing material which will be available for viewing by the public. If you sign this authority form it means that you agree to the following:

  1. Your photo(s), video footage and/or quotes may be used for multiple purposes and occasions including publication in print and electronic media.
  2. Your photo and/or video may be reproduced in colour or black and white and may be altered for design purposes.
  3. The BUSY Group is not required to inform you where and when your photo(s), video (s) and/or quotes are being used. Our affiliated partner (CoAct /BUSY At Work and CoAct/ BUSY Ability) may also share these stories on their channels.
  4. Material will be kept for 5 years. It will be stored securely.
  5. Where the photo, video or quote relates to a minor (under 18 years of age), The BUSY Group will check with their parent/guardian before use of the image or video footage.

The BUSY Group will not use your quote, video and/or image for any purpose other than general promotion and marketing of programs and services offered by The BUSY Group.

Your agreement to permit the use of your video footage, images and/or quote is greatly appreciated.

To be able to sign this release form you must be over 18 years of age. If you are not over 18 years of age, we will need the
written agreement of your parent or guardian before we can authorise the use of the material.

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