Next generation of tourism and hospitality leaders

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) has a long history of working with industry to foster and celebrate tourism and hospitality training excellence.

Since 2006, QTIC have been privileged to formally recognise Queensland’s dedicated Year 11 and Year 12 high achievers through the Salute to Excellence awards program.

Salute to Excellence involves nominated students who are undertaking stand-alone vocation education and training or a school-based traineeship in Queensland. Participants come from all regions across the state to be tested by experienced industry judges.

QTIC is proud to partner with BUSY At Work to encourage tourism and hospitality students to demonstrate their dedication and take the next step toward achieving their career goals.

As the 2014 major sponsor of the Salute to Excellence awards program, BUSY has more than 37 years of experience providing skilling solutions and services to businesses, workers and job seekers. They know the value of providing encouragement and training support through programs such as Salute to Excellence.

Chief Executive Daniel Gschwind said the Salute to Excellence awards program opens doors for students who receive well-deserved encouragement and guidance from experienced industry experts.

“As its name implies, the Salute to Excellence awards program encourages students into forging a rewarding and successful career in their chosen industry,” Mr Gschwind said.

“I have personally witnessed the joy and pride on the faces of past Salute to Excellence participants. They walk away with their heads held high, and rightly so.

“This is their time to shine and to show off their passion for learning, achieving and succeeding in their chosen vocation.”

Apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia are an attractive, flexible option for employers and a huge plus for students is gaining access to the very latest skills and knowledge in the industry.

Daniel believes the importance of providing opportunities for the next generation of industry leaders cannot be understated.

He believes some of the key benefits of the Salute to Excellence program are:

  • SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS: Vocational education and training and school-based apprenticeships are critical to delivering the skills and qualifications needed by the tourism and hospitality industry. Salute to Excellence emphasises the necessity of encouraging students into these avenues of training.
  • FEEDBACK: The importance of the Salute to Excellence program lies in the highly valuable and critical element where judges provide insight into how students can improve their skills and best shape their career.
  • INSIGHT: Participation in the program provides students with insight into industry standards and the expectations of industry employers.
  • WIN-WIN RESULTS: Salute to Excellence is a little like a fast-tracked mentoring program with a win-win outcome: industry receives confident and enthusiastic workers while students receive encouragement and constructive feedback.
  • INDUSTRY PROGRESSION: The program is an opportunity for QTIC to profile the tourism and hospitality industry and encourage these graduating students into an attractive and rewarding career.

BUSY At Work and QTIC are committed to delivering the best possible employment and training opportunities for businesses, job seekers and employees.

Will you help us? If you’re an employer or industry representative with ideas or knowledge to contribute, please get in touch with either BUSY At Work or QTIC to join our efforts to foster the next generation of tourism and hospitality leaders.

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