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What are the advantages of upskilling your workforce?

However, it can also be a big commitment for a company to reskill an existing worker, especially if they are already facing a high work load. At the same time, individuals who are already well established in their careers may be hesitant about embarking on a new qualification.

While these are legitimate concerns, there are still plenty of reasons to pursue this opportunity. To help, here are three advantages that come with upskilling existing workers.

New skill sets within the workforce

One of the main reasons to upskill your existing workers is to minimise the need to take on external subcontractors if your company regularly works on projects that require a different skill set in order to complete. For example, a building firm may find themselves regularly employing subcontractors in areas like brick-laying and plumbing, which can complicate a simple project.

An adult apprenticeship or other training option means that these skills can be developed within your company, removing the need to bring in outside expertise. By having the right skills on hand, it is easy for companies to get the most out of their operations.

Assistance is available

Depending on the specific situation within your workplace, you may be able to access additional support when embarking on an existing worker apprenticeship. This funding also depends on the level of study they are undertaking and whether the skill is on the national skills needs list.

The Support for Adult Australian Apprentices initiative provides a degree of funding assistance for older individuals pursuing a course of study. They can help with topping up a worker’s salary or provide assistance directly to the employer, depending on the situation.

Previous experience can count towards the process

Depending on a worker’s background, they may be able to count their previous experiences towards a future qualification. By factoring in any work experience that an employee may already have, it is possible to move through the apprenticeship process faster and skip over foundation skills training.

This wealth of experience can also be a good reason to pursue an apprenticeship in the first place, with this training offering workers a way to formalise the experiences they already have. If employees have years of experience working in a specific trade but don’t have a qualification to reflect that, pursuing an apprenticeship can fill this gap.

By Leanne de Toerkenczy, Public Relations Coordinator

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