New opportunities for Indigenous Employment in Queensland

A partnership between Santos GLNG, Energy Skills Queensland (ESQ) and the Gladstone Regional Council is providing crucial support to the Keys to Careers program in Gladstone.

The Keys to Careers program, created by Santos GLNG and ESQ’s Queensland Workforce Skilling Strategy, is designed to encourage new indigenous employment opportunities and offer increased support for apprenticeships in Gladstone.

The initiative works to provide unemployed Aboriginal participants with skills needed to gain employment and work experience in the resources Queensland industry.

ESQ’s Queensland Workforce Skilling Strategy project coordinator Lindy Taylor explains the program teaches “valuable teamwork skills, health and safety standards, problem solving methods, job hunting techniques and first aid certification on top of work placement in local industries.”

The Keys to Careers program showcases how partnering between industry and local government can boost employment and apprenticeship opportunities for Indigenous Australians.

If you are considering hiring indigenous apprentices, speak with BUSY At Work today. Our trained staff can assist with recruitment and provide valuable information on available training and qualifications.

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