New healthcare and construction funding under the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is changing the way Australia funds the care of those with serious disabilities. In Queensland, the legislation is leading to new funding to improve the care of the state’s most vulnerable people, particularly in remote areas.

Further resources for disability care in the far north

The Queensland government has recently released new funding for this sector, which is targeted towards housing for those living with a disability in Townsville and Cairns. This funding is designed to assist organisations construct, expand or purchase housing for both carers and their clients.

As well as providing a source of funding, recipient organisations can also seek financing elsewhere, this opportunity is simply designed to catalyse new developments.

This funding is likely to provide a number of opportunities, both for carers and for those looking for construction apprenticeship opportunities. As new disability housing moves from planning to breaking ground, these separate projects will require a dedicated workforce to assist with construction.

This work is all part of the preparation for the NDIS, a new scheme that will be rolled out between July 2016 and June 2019. Areas of Queensland including Townsville, Charters Towers and Palm Island have all been earmarked for an early launch of the scheme.

New careers under the NDIS

This funding is just one part of an expanded plan for the state to increase the level of information that is provided to those living with a disability. In this year’s budget, a further $27 million has been earmarked for new projects under the NDIS, with these developments in northern Queensland representing just one aspect.

Housing and similar projects to support disability carers is a particularly area of focus. Securing funding now is just one of the strategies being pursued ahead of the new legislation coming into effect. This was underscored by Disability Services Minister Coralee O’Rourke, who highlighted the range of measures now being pursued to maximise this opportunity.

“The NDIS is due to roll out in Queensland from next year, and this will increase the demand for appropriate disability housing, which is already under pressure,” she said.

“[The government] allocated close to $25 million in this year’s State Budget for a range of initiatives that will provide accommodation options for people with disability across Queensland.”

As the rollout of the NDIS gathers pace next year, the opportunities that are available under the scheme will present a range of advantages, both to those who require disability care and those who are looking for work in related sectors.

By Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

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