National Skills Week (Aug 25 – 31) is dedicated to raising the profile of vocational learning, and showcasing career opportunities for young and old

Now in its fourth year, National Skills Week provides a platform to highlight the opportunities and career pathways available through Vocational Education and Training. The theme this year is The Magical Mystery Tour of Skills. Each year, engagement from the sector has increased, complimented by new and innovative ideas. It is expected 2014 will maintain that approach. Hundreds of events take place nationally every year.

BUSY At Work CEO Paul Miles said, “BUSY is really pleased to get behind National Skills Week and recognise this is a great initiative by Skills One.

“It has never been more important for people to develop their skills so they can choose the right career option for our ever changing economy.”

Seldom does a day go by without a reference in the media to skills shortages. Skills training and vocational education are at the very heart of preparing young Australians with the skills they need to contribute to Australia’s robust and growing economy.

What are the opportunities and career pathways? What are the trends and the skills needs of businesses affected by a transforming economy?

All Australians need greater guidance and information to understand the diversity of vocational education, the opportunities and the future skills needs of industry.

How do we connect someone’s passion with a career pathway?

The primary focus of National Skills Week is to promote the diversity, possibilities and options for career outcomes, the future needs of industry and to recognise the teachers, students, businesses and training providers who make it happen. It’s to showcase the stories that will inspire others.

Vocational Education & Training (VET) is the foundation of Australia’s strong and vibrant economy. The sector continues to produce industry leaders, while offering job diversity and career pathways in new and exciting industries.

Each year 500+ events take place nationwide hosted by TAFEs, Registered Training

Organisations (RTOs), industry groups, businesses and schools. In 2014, SkillsOne is again driving the initiative.

Information about National Skills Week can be found on


MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne de Toerkenczy, Public Relations Coordinator

0438 173 960

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