Mining industry records highest employment growth

The mining industry has proved to be a standout performer across Australia, as latest Census figures show the sector has seen the highest growth in employment.

When the last Census was carried out in 2006, the mining industry employed 1.2 per cent of the Australian workforce, increasing to 1.8 per cent in 2011.

Latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that 69,667 people now consider mining to be their main industry of employment.

Census executive director Andrew Henderson revealed that mining continues to create jobs in Queensland, as the state – alongside Western Australia – has dominated the top 20 list of places where people work in the industry.

“Perth City (Western Australia), East Pilbara (Western Australia), Broadsound-Nebo (Queensland), Ashburton (Western Australia) and Singleton Region (New South Wales) areas reported the highest number of people working in the mining sector,” he commented.

Mr Henderson emphasised that the Census data does not collect information relating to fly-in, fly-out workers.

Central Queensland was recently recognised as a boom area for mining, as figures cited by the Australian Regional Media showed that almost $13 billion in coal projects are currently underway.

This is despite the problems faced at some of Australia’s largest mining companies.

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