Early last year Markayla Bowers had an uncertain future and was unable to secure regular full time work in her role as an apprentice hairdresser as the salon she was working with closed.
The 18 year old is the first to admit that her confidence took a major hit as she was struggling with the demands of finding another job.
“I had been placed with an employment agency but wasn’t feeling like I was getting the right support I needed to help me secure my future,” Ms Bowers said.
In April last year Markayla was able to undertake the Transition to Work (TtW) Program through BUSY At Work and since then she hasn’t looked back.
TtW is an Australian Government initiative, which provides intensive, pre-employment support to improve the work readiness of young people and help them secure work (including apprenticeships and traineeships) or education.
BUSY At Work Transition to Work Employment Consultant Gympie, Theresa Fallon said Markayla came to the Transition to Work Program after losing her hairdressing position and finding herself unemployed.
“Prior to starting the program Markayla had spent a lot of time and effort searching for work without success. We worked closely with her on her resume writing, interview techniques, career planning and presentation skills and this helped improve her motivation and confidence greatly.”
“Our Gympie office in unique in that we also assist job seekers with their employment pathway through the delivery of the government’s jobactive Employment Services and we’re a provider for the Australian Apprenticeship Services Network (Australian Apprenticeship Support Services).”
“Working with our jobactive Employment Services team and our Australian Apprenticeship Support Services staff we encouraged Markayla to broaden her horizons and apply for employment opportunities that she may not have considered previously.”
“We referred her to the administration traineeships section at the Gympie Regional Council and after a successful interview, Markayla was signed up through our Australian Apprenticeship Support Services staff to an administrative traineeship with the council in March this year,” said Ms Fallon.

Since starting with the council, Markayla’s confidence has improved dramatically and she is enthusiastic about the direction her career has taken.
“At the moment I am involved in all administrative aspects of the library as well as working on the front desk and helping young children with their activities during the holiday period.”
“The work is a lot more varied than I expected and I’m really gaining a new appreciation of what working in a library is all about.”
“The support I received from BUSY At Work has been amazing and I’m really stoked to be starting a new career,” Ms Bowers said.
Gympie Regional Council Organisational Development Advisor, Leanne Amse said Markayla had fitted in well with the team.
“We have been partnering with BUSY At Work for over 12 months and Markayla is a great credit to the staff at BUSY who have helped prepare her for her traineeship.”
“Markayla is always very approachable and communicates well with all those she comes in contact with. She has performed very well during the initial stages of her traineeship and shown a willingness to learn and we are delighted to have her on the team,” Ms Amse said.
BUSY At Work CEO Paul Miles, said it was great to see BUSY At Work’s various services working together to provide Markayla with a new pathway to employment.
“With the support of our Transition to Work Services, jobactive Employment Services and Australian Apprenticeship Support Services staff, Markayla has been able to overcome some early challenges and is now making a very positive start to her working life.”
“By working together and providing the right training and assistance, we can provide opportunities for young people who might otherwise not see a future,” Mr Miles said.
Through the various services BUSY At Work offers at the Gympie office they are able to deliver high quality services to employers to ensure young people meet their needs and are supported while settling into a job.
MEDIA CONTACT:Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator 0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au