Looking for a job?
You’re in the right place.
Since 1998, BUSY At Work has been fulfilling our mission to support more people into sustainable career pathways.
We are contracted by the Australian Government to deliver a range of employment services to support job seekers into work and career pathways.
Work Options
Employment Services
The BUSY Group has been delivering employment solutions for job seekers for over 40 years. Over this time, we have delivered training, recruitment and apprenticeship support services that have helped thousands of jobseekers to find career pathways they enjoy.
BUSY are contracted to deliver the Australian Government funded Workforce Australia Employment Services programs to support jobseekers into work.
With our complementary suite of programs, BUSY has the benefit of being able to support our jobseekers to be job-ready and to find a career path that suits them.
Youth Employment Services
We want to place the right people in the right roles. It’s as simple as that. We will work not just for you, but with you.
We will provide you with a customised solution that suits your needs. We will ask you what matters to you and your organisation. We will confirm skills and qualifications with our candidates and we will ask them what matters to them and where they want to go with their individual career goals.
As a not-for-profit organisation, profits from The BUSY Group’s services directly support community initiatives.
These initiatives comprise of various special projects which aim to support socially disadvantaged individuals overcome barriers in engaging with the community, gaining training opportunities and eventually taking the step to gaining employment.

Mentoring Support
Mentoring support is available for you if you are an apprentice or trainee who is struggling or just trying to navigate any challenges that are affecting your ability to perform your role and undertake your training.
Some of these issues could include:
- Workplace relationship challenges
- Communicating effectively in the workplace
- Travel issues, if you are struggling to get to your work due to car issues or no public transport available
- Personal issues that are impacting your work performance
- Budgeting or financial issues
- Struggling with your studies
- Anything else that is impacting on your progress – we are here to help!
Our ‘Gateway’ mentoring support team are experienced and can help you access any available support to get you through any of life’s ups and downs that may be affecting your career progress and completing your qualification.
Looking for a job?
We are contracted by the Australian Government to deliver a range of employment and career mentoring services to support job seekers into work and career pathways. Our services include:
- Australian Apprenticeship Support Network services – assisting job seekers into apprenticeships and traineeships.
- BUSY Ability – Disability Employment Services and NDIS School Leaver Employment Support.
- Workforce Australia Employment Services – job search support for the unemployed.
- Workforce Australia Transition to Work – support for young people aged 15-24 to gain skills, work experience and real career pathways.
- Workforce Australia Self Employment Assistance – assisting job seekers to help their business idea become viable.
- Workforce Australia Specialist Employment Services – assisting persons with a lived experience of the justice system to find employment.
- Empowering the Older Australian Workforce – information to assist mature age workers (aged 40 and over) to remain in or re-enter the workforce.
- BUSY Health – assisting jobseekers with a health condition to become work ready.
We are also contracted by the Queensland Government to deliver the Skilling Queenslanders for Work program, partnering with organisations to provide skills and work experience for Queensland job seekers.