Looking for a job? Boost your online profile

Whether you are looking for your first job, working your way up the career ladder, or re-training to focus on something else entirely, chances are that you’ve already brushed up on the basics, polished your CV and practiced your interview etiquette.

But have you ever given much thought to the message that you convey and cultivate on the web? These days, savvy employers are more likely than not to run your name through a search engine when your resume or covering letter makes it to the top of their pile – and what they see from a quick Google search could make or break your chances of landing your dream role.

Improve Google’s first impression

If you don’t know what a search will reveal about you, running your name through a search engine is a great way to get started.

Chances are, you’ll see your social media profiles front and centre – this could be an excellent reminder to ensure your privacy settings are set to an employer-friendly level.

Stand out from the crowd

Your online profile is an extension of your personal brand, so of course you will always want to put your best face forward.

You can achieve this by boosting your own search rankings – for example, you may wish to purchase a domain name and create a brief website about yourself.

Alternatively, you can set up a LinkedIn profile for more professional social networking than Twitter or Facebook – recommending a previous colleague and asking for recommendations of your own work can be a great way to stand out and reinforce your personal brand.

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