Local business owner upskills to support his apprentice and grow his business

One of the challenges for any small business as they grow is training and staff. Chris Breitkreutz, manager of Active Motorcycles in Biloela knows this very well. Chris was experiencing rapid growth in his business and knew he needed help. He researched his various options and decided he was keen to bring an apprentice into his business.

When Chris heard about the QGC Strengthening Local Workforces Program he immediately thought he had found his solution. Launched in February 2012, QGC partnered with BUSY At Work to match apprentices and trainees with businesses outside the coal seam gas industry in regional Queensland and provide support, mentoring and coaching to help boost retention and completion rates.

Unfortunately for Chris he didn’t meet all of the criteria requirements to enable him to employ an apprentice. For Chris to be eligible it was necessary for him to upskill his qualifications to meet supervision requirements of an apprentice.

Chris recognised that this was a unique opportunity to help him grow his business and in May he commenced training. By August he had completed his training and shortly after was able to employ Ben Bentley as an apprentice motor cycle mechanic.

They haven’t looked back with Ben quickly fitting in and thoroughly enjoying his new career.

BUSY At Work CEO, Paul Miles said it was a credit to Chris to take up the training in order to grow his business.

“It’s this type of commitment by an employer that will set a great example to the young apprentice just starting out.”

“With the support of the QGC Strengthening Local Workforces Program and employers like Chris we have witnessed a positive outcome in the Biloela region,” said Mr Miles.


MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

BUSY At Work

0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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