After more than 15 years working in the retail sector, Lisa Grossett is relishing the opportunity to learn new skills and apply herself to a new work role.
Lisa was recently signed up through BUSY At Work’s Gladstone office and is now working as an Administration Trainee with Lee Crane Hire in Gladstone.
“I had been employed in retail since leaving high school and wanted a career change. I am excited that I can now learn new office skills in a business environment as well as work more family friendly hours,” Ms Grossett explained.
BUSY At Work Industry Training Consultant, Letia Shaw said Lisa was a participant in last year’s Gladstone Engineering Alliance Skilling Queenslanders for Work (GEA SQW) program where she completed her Certificate I in Business Administration.
“I first met Lisa at an industry function where prospective employers could meet SQW candidates. Her bubbly personality and positive attitude really stood out and I identified she would be a great asset to any employer.”
“We worked alongside the employer and the GEA to place Lisa into a Business Traineeship where she is currently completing a Certificate IV in Business.”
“It’s wonderful to see Lisa now on an entire new career path and best of all she gets to spend more time with her family,” Ms Shaw said.
Since starting with Lee Crane Hire in September last year, Lisa has reveled in the responsibilities that come with her new role.
“I’m learning a whole lot of new things from accounting systems to maintenance systems as well as getting a good understanding of the day to day running of the business.”
Lee Crane Hire Depot Manager, Colin Kennedy said Lisa had been a great new addition to the Gladstone team.

“It was very important for Lee Crane Hire that Lisa was the right fit in this traditional male industry. She is very well liked by both our clients and staff and is progressing extremely well in the role and is always keen to learn new skills,” Mr Kennedy said.
Lisa said she was very appreciative of the support she had received from BUSY At Work in helping her settle into her traineeship.
“Letia has been fantastic to work with. She is very knowledgeable and approachable and is always available to answer any questions I have about my traineeship.”
“I’m glad I made the decision to change careers and would very much recommend BUSY At Work to anyone thinking about choosing a new career path,” Ms Grossett said.
BUSY At Work, CEO Paul Miles said BUSY was delighted to support employers who were willing to give people like Lisa the opportunity to work in a new career role.
“We are excited to be working with Lee Crane Hire in providing tailored Gateway Services to support trainees and apprentices.”
“Lisa has made a very positive start to her new role and with the right training and mentoring, she will have a bright future ahead of her,” Mr Miles said.
As an Australian Apprenticeship Network Provider (AANP) BUSY At Work provides a range of free career pathway services for job seekers and free recruitment tools for employers. To find out more information about apprenticeships and traineeships phone 13 28 79 or visit
Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator
0438 173 960 |