Launching your career with a butchery apprenticeship

While butchery is an industry that has strong historic ties to the Australian community, the sector is currently struggling through a major skill shortage.

According to the Department of Employment report from October 2014, employers as part of independent retail butcheries, supermarkets and wholesale butcheries are reporting difficulty finding candidates with the appropriate skill level.

The report explained that while the number of vacancies lifted 12 per cent between 2013 and 2014, the talent pool is small and many businesses are left without new recruits to take the industry forward.

Butchery is a trade that is in high demand and with excellent long-term career prospects so why not consider an apprenticeship or traineeship?

In fact, this is an avenue that more Australians are willing to take. The department cited National Centre for Vocational Education Research statistics which found that butchery apprenticeship numbers improved 45 per cent between 2008 and 2013, while traineeship figures rose 105 per cent.

What can a butchery apprenticeship teach you?

As butchery as an occupation is quite technical, the bulk of an apprenticeship will surround the required skill set. This can include anything from deboning carcasses and correctly preparing meat and poultry for sale to curing and smoking.

A butcher’s technique is vital to a successful career so an apprenticeship will give you the tools to be confident in your own ability around meat and poultry. As with any role of this nature, there is also the element of presentation and good communication with the customer base.

What can you bring to a butchery apprenticeship?

Many apprenticeships are geared towards school leavers which means all you need to have is a good attitude to learning and want a good career in the industry. It might also help to be well-presented and have an outgoing personality for customer service.

What can you move onto after an apprenticeship?

Once you have the skills of a butcher, a completed apprenticeship is your ticket to many different industry options. This could include:

  • Setting up your own butcher shop
  • Employment at a supermarket butchery section
  • Employment at a local butcher shop
  • Work at a processing plant

If you are interested in starting a butchery apprenticeship or learning about the various opportunities within the industry, feel free to get in contact with us today.

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