Kickstart expands to engineering trades

Australians considering embarking on a career in the engineering field are set to benefit from the federal government’s $57.5 million Kickstart Initiative.

Initially designed to inject 21,000 additional apprentices into the construction sector, the multimillion-dollar scheme will now expand to engineering students.

Minister for skills Chris Evans said employers who take on apprentices in one of nine engineering trades will now be eligible for Kickstart payments – equating to an additional $3,350 on top of the existing $1,500.

“Engineering skills are critical to our economy and that’s why Labor is working with employers and unions to boost the numbers of Australians in apprenticeships,” Mr Evans commented.

“Almost every part of the economy relies on these skills in some way, but the numbers of apprentices in training isn’t keeping up with the growing number of jobs being created for engineering trades.”

The new eligible trades include aircraft maintenance engineer, fitter, fitter-welder, metal fabricator, fitter and turner, metal machinist, toolmaker and pressure welder.

The minister went on to say that the initiative will ensure Australians are well placed to take advantage of the higher-skilled jobs – such as those in the engineering profession – offered around the country.

Depending on eligibility, employers can take on school leavers in various training programs such as adult apprenticeships.

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