BUSY backs Kandanga employer in building career opportunities for young people

Trainee Tanya Nicholson and employer Julie Worth

Kandanga business woman, Julie Worth knows the value of employing trainees and apprentices and what they can bring to a business.

As the owner of local business, Karabee Bus and Coach and Manager/Volunteer of the Kandanga Country Club and Kandanga Information Centre, Julie is the largest employer in town and its strongest advocate.

Situated just 25kms south of Gympie with a population of just 600 people, Julie is keen to see the small township move forward and continue to thrive.

During the past three years Julie has signed up more than 20 trainees and apprentices through BUSY At Work.

“Currently I have five trainees doing tourism, four in hospitality, one in landscaping and one in retail.”

“Many of our trainees are school-based or have graduated from Year 12 and it’s pleasing that we can give them an opportunity to gain a qualification and get a start in our local community,” Ms Worth said.

BUSY At Work Industry Training Consultant, Kerry Donaldson, Gympie said BUSY had built up a strong working relationship with Julie and the relationship had gone from strength to strength.

“Julie has always been committed to youth and helping make a difference in their lives.”

“We are delighted to be the preferred provider for all her recruitment needs and we have been able to provide her with relevant information regarding Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships and what funding is available through Federal and State Government Incentive Programs.”

“As a result of this Julie has been able to employ many young people who are keen to live and work in the town,” Ms Donaldson said.

One recent success story is Tanaya Nicholson who signed up through BUSY At Work in February last year and is currently employed at the Kandanga Country Club.

The 19 year old Sports Tourism Officer is well on the way to completing her Certificate III in Tourism and is hoping to pursue a career in the police force once she completes her current studies.

“My role covers a whole lot of areas from administration to marketing and social media. On the weekends I also get to work in the bar.”
“I’ve learnt a lot and especially love the connections I have made with the people in the town.”

“Kandanga is a great place to live and working here has given me a new lease on life,” Tanaya said.

BUSY At Work Managing Director, Paul Miles said BUSY was pleased to support local employers like Julie Worth who were able to provide a broad range of traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities for young people like Tanaya.

“Tanaya has shown herself to be very capable and diligent and has proven to be a great asset in the workplace.”

“With the right training and mentoring we know she will make a valuable contribution not only to her employer but to the town of Kandanga as a whole.”

“We look forward to supporting Julie in all her future recruitment needs,” Mr Miles said.

MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator
0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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