JSA/DES Conference will put the spotlight on training outcomes

Training outcomes for apprentices and trainees are the focus of an upcoming conference, organised by BUSY At Work. The event is titled ‘How apprentices can help your star rating’, and focuses heavily on the benefits trainees and apprentices can offer business owners.

The free conference, scheduled for the 18th of September 2014, offers a unique opportunity for workers in the Job Service Australia (JSA) and Disability Employment Services (DES) community.

One of the core themes for the conference will be the many barriers that stop people from entering employment or a training program.

Located at MODA Events Portside on Hercules Street in the Brisbane suburb of Hamilton, the conference will bring together professionals from a number of industries. As well as offering an opportunity for networking, attendees will also be able to learn more about BUSY At Work’s resources, such as the Harrison Online Career Assessment.

The keynote speech will be given by Rachel Dudok, an apprentice with Qantas who recently completed a certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics). After beginning an engineering degree, Ms Dudok decided that she would rather pursue a more hands-on study option – a decision which has led her to Qantas’s apprenticeship program.

Debra Van Der Togt, the general manager of apprenticeships at BUSY At Work, emphasised the professional value that this conference would offer for attendees.

“At BUSY At Work we believe that apprenticeships and traineeships are an effective and viable option for JSA providers to consider for their job ready caseload. Our aim in hosting this conference is to arm providers with the tools and knowledge they need to successfully utilise apprenticeship and traineeship pathways.”

Thanks to BUSY At Work’s strategic relationship with both the JSA and DES sectors, the conference promises to be worthwhile for anyone working in these areas.

RSVPs must be received by Monday the 15th of September for registration to be confirmed. A light lunch will be provided as part of the conference, with events scheduled from 9am to 12.30pm on the day.


BUSY At Work is an Australian Apprenticeship Centre in Queensland. They provide dedicated apprenticeship and traineeship services, as well as working in specialised areas like disability employment, mature aged worker programs, school based programs, and Indigenous employment programs.

For more on the conference, please contact Marie Gali.

Email; marie.gali@busyatwork.com.au Phone: (07) 3215 6501

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