Jason’s auto business goes from strength to strength

Not long ago Jason Whitley was a mature age apprentice, but he has come a long way since qualifying as a light vehicle auto mechanic in November 2014.

The forty four year old former self employed farmer has worked hard at his trade to become the owner/manager of a booming Monto business.

Since having taken over the reins of Monto Auto & Towing this year, the business has continued to expand with Jason now employing another part time mechanic as well as a school based apprentice.

“We are doing a lot more engine rebuilds as well as repairing clutches and differentials and this has allowed us to better service the needs of the local community,” Mr Whitley said.

Having spent all his former life on the land tinkering with cars and farm vehicles, Jason was able to fast track his apprenticeship with Monto Auto & Towing through the Recognition of Prior Learning Program with Central Queensland University.

Jason said he would not have been able to achieve his success without the support of BUSY At Work and the QGC Strengthening Local Workforces Program.

“Having spent all my life on the farm I had little knowledge of what was required to complete a mature age apprenticeship. When my mother and I decided to take over the business a couple of years ago, we wanted to make sure that we were able to apply the same work principles we used on the farm to our automotive business.”

“The mentoring support we received from BUSY At Work and the QGC Program allowed me to quickly gain the knowledge I needed about automotive computer systems, ensuring I was able to achieve my RACQ accreditation as a roadside mechanic.”

“The support we received was brilliant and if we had any hassles BUSY At Work were our ‘go to’ people to ensure we always kept on track,” Mr Whitley said.

With his continued success in the business, Jason is now planning to complete his Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology which will allow him to carry out mechanical repairs on larger trucks.

Launched in partnership with BUSY At Work in February 2012, the QGC Strengthening Local Workforces Program has helped generate more than 200 new jobs in fields such as health, hospitality, administration and automotive services.

The program was designed to match apprentices and trainees with businesses outside the coal seam gas industry in regional Queensland as well as provide support, mentoring and coaching to help boost retention and completion rates.

Paul Miles, CEO BUSY At Work said it was pleasing to see Monto Auto & Towing continuing to build on their business and make a difference in the local Monto region.

“With the right training and support from the QGC Strengthening Local Workforces Program Jason has been able to grow his business and employ more local people. We are proud to partner with QGC in this program and look forward to seeing Jason continuing his business success,” Mr Miles said.


Image Caption: Jason Whitley’s auto and towing business is going from strength to strength in Monto.

MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator, BUSY At Work

0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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