Is it a Career or is it a Job?

While having a job equates to earning money to afford to pay your bills and live well, a career is much more than that. A career is a long term goal towards fulfilling your inner values, utilising your personal strengths and talents, and inspiring your continuous growth.

According to the Career Industry Council of Australia who are responsible for the National Careers Week initiative:

“Career development is a process of managing learning, work and leisure to progress through life. It includes gaining and using the skills and knowledge needed to plan and make informed decisions about education, training, and work. Everyday decisions and priorities affect career development. Ultimately, career development is about much more than jobs – it is about how to live your life”.

A ‘career’ means different things to different people. For instance, while some people will work in hospitality to get them through studies at uni or TAFE or as an interim while searching for their ‘real’ career, for others hospitality is the career, as they aspire to be the best barista in Australia, or progress into management, or become a head chef, or own their own restaurant or cafe. Whatever ticks your boxes, choosing a career is most definitely a personal choice.

Over a lifetime, for many people, career choices can change. This is normal, as a person grows and explores, changes their opinions and values or wants a new challenge. It is not uncommon for someone to be in their forties and decide on a career change, or for someone to change their career pathway halfway through their studies, realising the original path was not for them. There is definitely an element of self-discovery when it comes to choosing the right career for you!

One thing is certain when it comes to career planning – education and training is crucial in gaining the skills for your career development. Whether you choose to learn on the job through an apprenticeship or traineeship path, go onto university or learn from former generations in a family business, that education is crucial.

As career paths progress, we also learn skills from our co-workers and managers. Many of these skills are transferrable and invaluable for our progression. For example, communicating effectively in the workplace is often learnt on the job, so too is working effectively in a team, and developing great work ethics like punctuality and reliability. So while someone may currently be packing shelves or serving coffees, the skills they are learning are contributing to their growth and are transferrable into their next career progression, wherever that may take them!

Thinking about an Apprenticeship or Traineeship pathway as a career move?

Did you know there are over 500 different apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications to choose from?  Choosing an apprenticeship or traineeship pathway allows you to learn on the job, while you earn money – it’s a great way to get a head start into an industry career of your choice. You can even start an apprenticeship or traineeship while still in school, or when you get older, through a mature-aged apprenticeship.

At The BUSY Group, we are all about supporting people in finding a  rewarding career path. You can find out more about Apprenticeships and Traineeships or search for Apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities throughout Australia at Apprenticeship Central.

Other ways The BUSY Group can assist you in your career path:

  • Transition to Work program: Support for young people (15-24) who have left school early and are not working or in other education.
  • Skilling Queenslanders for Work – a range of on-the-job accredited and non-accredited courses for eligible job seekers, that can assist you in your next career move.
  • Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers – career transition support for eligible older workers (aged 45-70).
  • ON-Q Disability Employment Services – for persons with an injury, illness or disability who are looking for support into a career.
  • Skill360 – available courses and career support for persons in Far North Queensland region.
  • BUSY Schools – for Year 11 and 12 students who are disengaged from mainstream schooling. Our first BUSY School in Cairns is currently accepting enrolments. The school has a 100% guarantee that graduating students will move into employment or further career studies.

For further information on career support services, visit or call The BUSY Group on 13 28 79.

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