Indigenous employment part of new government plan

Indigenous employment has been listed as one of the Queensland government’s top aims in a new six-month plan.

Earlier this month, the Newman government revealed that it had achieved all 149 items on its previous half-year action plan and is hoping to have similar success with its new set of proposals.

Premier Campbell Newman said $18.4 million will be channelled into the new initiative, which will include the hiring of ten Indigenous rangers for Far North Queensland.

Aside from Indigenous employment, there are also aims to create jobs for 60 new ambulance officers across the state.

Mr Newman said: “Delivering on this plan will further boost business confidence and job opportunities, continue to streamline government procedures and reduce the cost of living for Queensland families.”

According to the premier, the new list of 148 proposals will also enhance government accountability, economic growth, public services and the quality of infrastructure in the state.

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