Indigenous education and employment opportunities boosted by government initiative

The federal government has launched an initiative to boost indigenous employment levels by creating a new generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professionals.

Minister for tertiary education Chris Evans unveiled a government report last week (September 14), which outlines the different barriers that face indigenous Australians and proposes recommendations to overcome challenges standing in the way of education and employment opportunities.

The Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People report aims to deliver change in indigenous communities by encouraging and supporting more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into education pathways.

Mr Evans commented: “International experience show us that producing more indigenous graduates, qualified to take up professional and leadership roles in business and government, will help address disadvantage in the indigenous community.

“Attaining parity in indigenous higher education participation across a range of disciplines for students, staff and researchers is the next step in driving lasting reform.”

One of the report’s recommendations is that the proportion of indigenous staff and students at universities be increased to 2.2 per cent.

Mr Evans said to attain the report’s outcomes, the government would work will professional bodies and education institutions.

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