How to avoid a disastrous interview

When a prospective employer invites you to an interview, it’s a great feeling to know that all the hard work you put into your application has paid off.

On the other hand, if you’re having trouble getting to the interview stage, there are plenty of useful tools and FAQs available at Apprenticeship Central to help you improve your chances. For example, the site’s Resume Builder and Resume Templates are a great starting point to help build a professional CV and make it easier for companies to browse your skills and achievements.

Signing up with the site also enables you to send your newly revamped resume directly to employers who are advertising apprenticeships and traineeships.

Once you’ve got your foot in the door, you’ll need to prepare as much as possible for the interview to have the best chance of securing the role. What common pitfalls should you make an extra effort to avoid?

Common interview deal-breakers

New research from recruitment specialist The Creative Group revealed a number of the top deal-breakers for employers who are interviewing candidates.

Diane Domeyer, executive director of The Creative Group, said applicants must pay attention to even the smallest details to have the best chance at success.

“Hiring managers typically assume candidates are putting their best foot forward during job interviews, so any sign of unprofessional or unproductive behaviour makes a big impact,” she explained.

So what are the biggest bugbears of potential employers? Here are The Creative Group’s top five:

1. Answering your phone

Unsurprisingly, more than three-quarters (77 per cent) of respondents said checking or answering a phone is a big no-no during an interview.

2. Showing up late

Seventy per cent of people listed a tardy approach to punctuality as a sign you are not passionate about the job, particularly if you don’t acknowledge that you’re late once you arrive.

3. Forgetting requested items

Whether it’s references, spare copies of resumes or other important documents, failing to bring items specifically requested by your interviewer was irritating for 70 per cent of respondents.

4. Wearing the wrong attire

While casual dress may be fine for some interviews, it’s always best to research the company’s expectations in advance to avoid annoying 69 per cent of employers.

5. Bad-mouthing previous bosses

Past jobs are likely to come up in an interview, but 62 per cent of hiring managers believe speaking poorly of a previous employer is unprofessional. Instead, discussing challenges with old bosses tactfully is often seen as a significant positive.

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