How accessible is your workplace?

Not all disabilities are visible and with 1 in 5 Australians experiencing disability at some point in their lives, chances are we work alongside colleagues with disability, or have lived with disability ourselves.

With that being said, how accessible is your workplace for those with disability?

Ensuring an inclusive workplace makes good business sense, with access to a larger pool of skilled and willing workers, improved staff morale and customer relations, and less turnover.

Based on the current (2018) UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, the below is a handy checklist to assess the accessibility in your work space!

  1. Are your human resource policies and practices accessible?
    • Do you have policies ensuring that the recruitment process is accessible to persons with different disabilities?
    • Do you have policies and resources which ensure the provision of reasonable accommodation, allowing people with disabilities to work in your organisation?
  1. Is your information and communication systems accessible?
    • Is your website accessible?
    • Is sign language interpretation available?
    • Are documents available in Braille?
  2. Is your physical facilities accessible?
    • Is your buildings, office spaces and facilities accessible?

And further to the UN Convention:

  1. Do you have a supportive and inclusive workplace?
  • Do you have an anti-bullying policy in your workplace?
  • Do you promote an inclusive culture in your workplace through cultural awareness training for those who are culturally and linguistically diverse?
  • Does your organisation have a Reconciliation Action Plan to promote inclusiveness and opportunities for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds
  • Does your organisation have an Accessibility Action Plan that is regularly reviewed and actively seeks accessibility improvements in your workplace?

For a happier and more profitable business, it makes sense to actively pursue an accessible and inclusive workplace!

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