Harrison Online Career Assessment Development Day – 5th November, 2014

On the 5th of November 2014, Anne Sandberg, Master Distributor/Consultant with Harrison Assessments will be leading a development session on the Harrison Online Career Assessment.

The Harrison Online Career Assessment Tool uses a scientifically developed theory to connect your assessment answers to over 800 career occupations, spanning university, traineeship and apprenticeship qualifications and more.

Assessment Development Details

Currently, Career Consultants have many demands on their available time. To have personalised assessments of each student, to provide a foundation for a meaningful consultation about their future, would be a valuable asset.

The workshop will provide you with a sound understanding of the methodology and theories underpinning the Harrison Career Assessment. You will been shown how to interpret the reports accurately and explain the various selection and coaching applications for using the range of reports. You will learn about:

  • Suitability theory upon which the system is built
  • A working knowledge of the 175 separate work related traits, or dimensions in the system
  • How to use the 4 different reports produced by the system
  • How to interpret all reports, including Main Graph, Traits and Definitions
  • How to debrief one-on-one with individuals using the various reports
  • How to customise Job Success Formulas for unique jobs/roles

Anne Sandberg, who will be running the development session, has 15 years of experience using this system and is one of a handful of Harrison Consultants in the U.S. with the highest level of expertise.

With over 25 years of experience in the human resources and management consulting arenas, Ann spent the first 10 years of her career in the public sector and corporate world where she worked in human resources management and in the specialty areas of employee assessment, recruitment and selection, performance management, team-building, and training and organisational development. She is expert at developing and implementing organisational strategies and culture change. Ann is an innovative writer/author, presenter and facilitator, and has been a master distributor/trainer/ consultant for the Harrison Assessments system since 1997.

When: 5 November 2014, 9am to 3pm
Cost: $95 plus GST
Where: Unit 8, 3368 Pacific Highway, Springwood QLD 4127

Included in the development session will be the opportunity to participate in the Harrison Online Career Assessment and receive your own personalised report.

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