Gulf Savannah Development (RIMP) welcomes $100,000 cash boost

The Queensland government has unveiled plans to foster economic growth in the state’s far north – an initiative that may improve opportunities for apprenticeships in Townsville.

Deputy premier and minister for state development, infrastructure and planning Jeff Seeney said the government’s $100,000 cash injection into the Gulf Savannah Development Regional Investment and Migration Project (RIMP) will help drive fiscal growth in the area.

He commented: “The funding I am announcing today will be used by Gulf Savannah Development to make one regionally significant infrastructure priority ‘investment-ready’ and promote investment opportunities, particularly in renewable energy and the Gilbert River irrigation area.

“The money will also go towards promoting employment and tourism opportunities in the Gulf.”
The latest round of funding is in additional to the $500,000 committed by the state government last year for the establishment of five Remote Area Boards.

Mr Seeney said the Gulf Savannah Development (RIMP) works closely with the local councils of Burke, Doomadgee, Etheridge, Carpentaria and Mornington to boost opportunities for economic and regional growth.

The organisation also plays a vital role in helping to secure both private and government investment, the minister added.

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