Apprentice Employment Incentives for Employers

Apprentice Employment Incentives for Employers

Current Incentives (from July 1, 2024)

In exciting news for employers, further high-priority occupations have been added to the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List

The Priority Hiring Incentive provides financial support for employers of Australian Apprentices employed in priority occupations.

Eligibility Criteria Includes:

  • Employers who commence a new or an Existing Worker Australian Apprentice in qualification and occupation listed on Australian Apprenticeships Priority List; including those identified as leading to a clean energy apprenticeship pathway and
  • Apprenticeship with an occupational outcome listed on Australian Apprenticeships Priority List, including those identified as leading to a clean energy apprenticeship pathway.
  • Apprentice must be in-training with their employer on the Claim period due date.

Payments are made at six and 12 months from the commencement or recommencement of an Apprentice. 

For further information on the new incentives that commenced July 1, 2024 go to Federal Budget 2024-25 Announcement

Available financial support options can be found in our Guide to Incentives

Incentives Guide Apprentices

New Energy Apprentice Support payment

The New Energy Apprentice Support Payment (introduced on 1 January 2023) is designed to encourage apprentices to choose clean energy careers, improve retention rates and deliver more successful completions by providing direct financial support to Australian Apprentices commencing an Australian Apprenticeship in a clean energy occupation.

The New Energy Apprentice Support Payment will be available to eligible Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level qualification with an occupational outcome listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List and identified as a clean energy occupation (as highlighted in green on this document).   

Eligibility Criteria:

All primary eligibility requirements must be met; AND

  • The Australian Apprentice must have commenced or recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship, with a new employer, on or after 1 January 2023; or
  • recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship with their original employer on or after 1 January 2023, where the period of suspension or cancellation was greater than 6 months if the commencement date was prior to 1 July 2022 or 12 months if the commencement date was on or after 1 July 2022
  • Both employer and apprentice must sign a decleration that the apprentice will undertake work and build skillsin the clean energy sector
  • Apprentice will be provided with meaningful exposure, experience, and work in the clean energy sector, appropriate to their skill level and/or off the job training
  • Apprentice may not receive this payment if they are in receipt of the Australian Apprenticeship Support Paymnet for the same apprenticeship; AND

The Australian Apprentice, at the date of commencement or recommencement with a new employer, must be undertaking:

The employer must demonstrate:

  • business engagement and operation with the clean energy sector; and
  • the Australian Apprentice will be provided with a significant proportion of their work in the clean energy sector; on an ongoing basis and at commencement or recommencement.

Apprentices can claim up to $10,000 for a full-time apprenticeship and up to $5000 for a part-time apprenticeship and up to $5000 for a part-time apprenticeship, according to the following schedule and rates. 

Assistance for Australian Apprentices with Disability

Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) of up to $104.30 in arrears p/w (part-time pro-rata according to the hours worked) are available to employers. In addition, the Australian Government – Job Access Employment Assistance Fund can provide financial assistance for any workplace modifications required. For further information call 1800 464 800 or visit

Claiming change for RTO’s

From the 4th of March 2024, RTO’s will need to log in to the Department of Employment & Workplace Relations (DEWR) Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS) to claim any funds pertaining to the delivery of Mentoring & Tutorial Support under the DAAWS system. 

If you are yet to access ADMS the below link will provide instructions on how to access ADMS, as an RTO you will be accessing ADMS the same way an employer does.

Once you have linked your myGovID using RAM (Relationship Authorisation Manager), you will be able to register for an account in ADMS using the below link.

Back to Work Incentive

Up to $20,000 is available for employing eligible jobseekers in regional areas of Queensland and parts of SE Queensland through the Queensland Government’s Back to Work initiative. More information.

More Information

For more information on incentives available to employers and apprentices in the new Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (AAIS), refer to the AAIS factsheetAAIS Frequently Asked Questions,

ADMS claims process

You will no longer be required to submit your claims through to BUSY At Work but will be required to lodge your claims through an online portal with the Australian Government’s ‘Apprenticeship Data Management System’ (ADMS), which will require you to set up and link to your MyGovID account. More information can be found at

This new process for applying for wage subsidies has been modernised and streamlined for Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements Claim Periods 6 and onwards (i.e. for wages paid 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022) and the new wage subsidies and hiring incentives under the new Australian Apprenticeships Incentives System from July 1, 2022.

From the 9th of April, employers will be responsible for completing these wage subsidy claims using ADMS.

BUSY At Work will continue to provide advice and support services to employers from pre-commencement to completion of Australian Apprenticeships and will continue to process historic BAC and CAC wage subsidy claims for wages paid between 5 October 2020 and 31 December 2021.

How to get Started
If you haven’t already, your business will need to create a myGovID Digital Identity and connect it with your business using the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

How to get started with ADMS

To securely access ADMS, users will need to:

  1. Create a Digital Identity with myGovID,
  2. Connect your myGovID with a business through the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), and
  3. Register for an ADMS account on the employment System Access Management (eSAM) portal.

Once your ADMS account has been set up by following the above steps, you will be able to access ADMS at any time.

MyGovID Pic

MyGovID is your digital identity and makes it easier to prove who you are online – it’s like the 100-point ID check but on your smart device.

To access ADMS, your myGovID Digital Identity will need to be standard identity strength or above.

To learn how to set up your myGovID, please visit

RAM allows business owners to link their digital identity to their business and to authorise others to act on their behalf when using participating online government services.

Claims Under Past Incentives (prior to July 1, 2024)

Employers claiming incentives for an apprentice or trainee who commenced prior to these new incentive periods, you will continue to be supported under the prior incentives.

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