Government unveils $8.3m for Indigenous leadership plans

The federal government has announced $8.36 million in funding for the delivery of leadership programs to Indigenous groups.

The money will be go towards doubling the number of places on accredited Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre courses.

Participants learn a range of skills to make them effective leaders, with the aim of closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, while also providing a greater sense of community.

The initiative could have a positive impact on Indigenous employment, as those taking part are expected to use their leadership abilities to solve the challenges facing Indigenous people, which often include barriers to work.

These courses, which are available in Queensland and other states, will now be able to accept an additional 720 participants, who will graduate by 2017.

Jenny Macklin, minister for community services and Indigenous affairs, said it will give Indigenous Australians the skills, knowledge and experience to reach their goals.

“More than 8,000 Indigenous Australians have participated in supported leadership development activities under the program, helping them become more effective leaders within their families and communities,” she explained.

“By building their leadership skills, Indigenous participants in these programs can become inspiring and effective leaders who can promote and lead the development of sustainable solutions.”

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