Gold Coast hub set to assist hundreds of jobseekers

A free Gold Coast-based jobseeker centre is increasing the success rate of almost half of those that use its services.

Busy Beat pre-employment hub is becoming a one-stop-shop for jobseekers dedicated to getting a job. Latest figures show almost half the people who have accessed Busy Beat have landed a job and many more have returned to education and training.

The hub is managed by BUSY At Work, a not-for-profit apprentice and employment organisation that began on the Gold Coast more than 30 years ago. Today the organisation has offices across Queensland.

BUSY At Work CEO Paul Miles and Member for Southport Rob Molhoek are to formerly open a new home for the service on Wednesday, May 15, in Southport.

Mr Miles said he believed two things were key for people seeking employment – one was the right tools and the other a combination of education and training.

Busy Beat helps in both areas by providing pre-employment training and offering a variety of programs to support people facing the challenges surrounding entering or re-entering the workforce.

Busy Beat is encouraging local job seekers requiring assistance to contact them for help with resume writing, interview preparation and job search advice.

Also operating from Busy Beat is R U BUSY? a 12 week pre-employment course for young people aged 17 to 19. Personal support and mentoring is offered to help participants reconnect with themselves, their family and community as well as focusing on improving their general wellbeing and employability. Motivational speakers and guest presenters from local industry also offer real-life advice and inspiration.

“The R U BUSY program blends role models, education and training together brilliantly,” Mr Miles said.

“We hope this youth program will become a model for other areas around the state, one which will increase employment and participation for the unemployed.

“At BUSY we believe people often need a hand-up, rather than a hand-out. R U BUSY? And the new hub space is about putting those beliefs into action.”

BUSY At Work was established in 1977 to deliver training and employment programs to homeless youth on the Gold Coast. Since then it has played a key role in growing apprenticeship and traineeship numbers throughout Queensland. Supporting the unemployed on the Gold Coast remains its core community mission.

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Media are welcome to attend the opening at 9.30am on Wednesday May 15, Suite 3, 23 Nind Street in Southport (next to Blockbuster).


Renee Ferenc
Marketing and Communications Manager
BUSY At Work
M: 0438 173 960 I P: (07) 3215 6514

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