Future certain for Queensland’s construction industry

Plans to launch ConstructionQ were revealed by Minister for Housing and Public Works Tim Mander on May 19. Mr Mander explained that this arrangement would deliver on the government’s promise to support the construction industry as one of the four pillars of the economy.

“The State Government has made a point of slashing red tape, reducing the cost of doing business and speeding up approvals which generates growth and creates jobs for Queenslanders,” he said in a statement.

Over the past two years, the construction industry has seen encouraging growth. Mr Mander revealed that the total number of trend dwelling approvals had increased by a massive 64.3 per cent compared with January 2012.

“ConstructionQ is about building on those gains and putting in place a vision which will unleash the industry’s full potential and generate benefits for decades to come,” he said.

Although the government is hosting this blueprint, it has welcomed the input of those within the industry. Key leaders in the building and construction sectors are being approached to share their thoughts on where they would like the industry to go in the future. Additionally, feedback is being collected on how the government should approach the launch and development of the ConstructionQ strategy.

Key industry body Master Builders has welcomed the announcement of ConstructionQ, expressing contentment in the ability to work with the government to support this arrangement.

“Master Builders is very pleased to be amongst the industry leaders who will participate in ConstructionQ and help to develop a clear vision for the future,” said Master Builders Deputy Executive Director Paul Bidwell.

“This is a unique opportunity for us to work alongside government and map out measures that will support the growth of thousands of building businesses across the state.”

Mr Bidwell believes there are a number of issues in both the housing and construction industry that need to be addressed to help improve the creation of activity and jobs in Queensland.

In particular, he highlighted the need to increase innovation, reduce expenses and maintain housing affordability in an effort to drive up demand. The ConstructionQ forum opportunities will give business leaders and industry employers a chance to share their opinions and ideas to help mitigate the challenges of these significant issues, while boosting productivity, job creation and efficiency.

By Leanne de Toerkenczy, Public Relations Coordinator

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